Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 1 Day 12

 The week started out really shitty. I felt discouraged in every way and I was so upset that I even cried a little. I did not walk at all this week but I still ate right and took the stairs. You see for me its all mental. I have been lazy for so long and I am finding it super difficult to re train my brain but in the end I work through these feelings and thoughts. I have been 12 days with out fast food, limited salt, no soda. I do feel that I have more energy. In the sweet department I have had 2 chocolate chip cookies from Paradise Bakery, 1/2 of a small slice of key lime pie and a 73% Cacao chocolate bar from Trader Joe's all of this over the course of 12 days. In the midst of all of this October 10th was 3 month anniversary of quitting smoking. I am proud of myself. I have mild degenerative disc disease in my lower back and I know that my weight contributes to a lot of the pain I am having in my lower back but it has been very painful to walk lately. My doctor gave me a referral to see a Physical Therapist I have an appointment on Monday. I will continue to do Yoga it really helps me both physically and mentally. The weight is slowly coming off but the good thing is I am slowly getting more and more energy. This will sound corny but a little fish told me to Just keep swimming and that's what I'm doing.

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