Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 1 of my Journey

October 1st 2013- 400lbs
It begins a new transformation to become healthy. 

I have a lot of emotions with becoming healthy. The best way to describe it is like a loss of a loved one and that loved one is myself. I have to retrain myself. I looked at food as if it were my best friend. Food had never let me down, it was there when I needed it no questions ask. That all is changing today. I have to eat to live not live to eat. I have to put myself first. This will be the hardest thing I have ever done, ever!! I will become healthy! You are an amazing woman! You are beautiful! I believe in you!! Just keep moving :)


  1. You are beautiful! and definitely amazing! You always have been! You have my respect ... I am behind you 100% ... Keeping positive thoughts for you ...

  2. I'm here for you, feel free to ask me anything. Remember 99.9% of the journey is mental.
