Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The 1st day

 Yesterday was interesting! I had oatmeal for breakfast and had a glass of ice water. For lunch I was tempted to go to a fast food joint like I used to BUT I chose to go check out Trader Joe's for a more healthier approach to lunch. I bought 2 green apples, banana chips, 2 protein bars, and a vegan egg plant sandwich. I did not eat all of this mind you. I had 1 apple and the vegan sandwich for lunch. The vegan sandwich was super tasty, I did not think vegan would be good but it was excellent. When I got home I had a protein bar for a snack and some banana chips. For dinner I had the last of my frozen dinner which was a Micalena's salsbury steak and potatoes and I had a sugar free Popsicle. Of course I drink tons of water throughout the day as well.
The hardest part for me was wanting more food to eat but I was full. So I struggle a bit with that but just like quitting smoking I have to retrain the brain. Also I have to decided to not workout vigorously throughout the week. I will keep walking and keep moving. Once some of the weight comes off then I will re think the workouts. I am parking further away, I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I do not eat fast food (even though its tempting but I don't) I do not drink soda what so ever!! I am going to the Zoo this Saturday with a co worker and I am bringing my dad along. Sunday I will be trying Yoga :) I am looking forward to this weekend. I am very proud of myself! The Journey continues :)

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