Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Journey week 1

I went to the Doctor yesterday for my 3 month check up and I now weigh 393. I am waiting the results of my blood test to see if I am still in the Pre Diabetic stage. I am hoping I am not. I am eating clean. I am staying away from fast food, junk food, soda, and salt. I keep moving as much as I can. I am going to have Physical therapy done on my back so that I can walk without having pain. Also I am going to see a nutritionist as well. I am going to try this recipe I found on pinterest and its 2 quarts of water, 2 lemons sliced, 1 cucumber, 10 mint leaves and you steep it over night and drink it through out the day. Its a detox drink. I am doing good. I just keep saying to myself you can do this. For me its like beating an addiction, It will be hard but so worth it in the end. I have come along way in the past couple of weeks and I am proud of myself. I will now write in my blog every Saturday. Thank you to all who is in my corner rooting for me. I am very grateful and thankful :)

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