Sunday, November 10, 2013

40th Day

So it's been a few weeks since I written my blog but here it goes. Things of been pretty good for the most part. I still go to yoga twice a week, no fast food, no soda, and eating as healthy as I can. I have had a few bad days but I have recovered and I take each day as it comes. I have started to drink tart cherry juice twice a day and I have started to take Omega 3-6-9 pills twice a day. I am starting to feel a sense of peace and love within myself. This is an incredible journey that I'm on and I look forward to what each day brings. Today is special because I quit smoking exactly 4 months ago. I'm really proud of myself :) I've also decided to cut back on sugar and gluten and within the next three months to completely cut it out of my diet. I'm a work in progress but the progress is good.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 27

This week was different. I had a break through emotionally and mentally. The beginning of the week I was so down and out. I cried and cried and cried on Tuesday for no apparent reason. The toughest part of this journey is the emotional roller coaster. I am my own worst enemy and I get down on myself sometimes and I think I just put too much pressure on myself and that's why I felt the way I did on Tuesday. This is not easy and I take each day as it comes,I just have to work through the feelings I have and I know I will get through it. Good news is though, I have lost another pound so now I weigh 391. I have not eaten fast food or drank soda for 27 days now. I have cut my sugar intake by half. My favorite dinner now is baked tilapia with Mrs. Dash seasoning, fried zucchini, and brown rice Yum Yum. I also have been going to yoga at least once a week. I really do love yoga. Yoga helps my body, my spirit, and my spirit. By far this is been the most trying thing I've ever done in my life. I know now just to enjoy each day as it comes with peace, love, and understanding. Namaste

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day 19

This last week has been difficult for me. I have not wanted to exercise but I still do Yoga which kicks my butt! I do love it though! I have lost 1 more pound so now I weigh 392. So in 19 days I have lost 8lbs. I have been eating well, no fast food, no soda, no junk food. I have get my ass in gear and exercise more. I have come along way and for that I am proud of myself!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 1 Day 12

 The week started out really shitty. I felt discouraged in every way and I was so upset that I even cried a little. I did not walk at all this week but I still ate right and took the stairs. You see for me its all mental. I have been lazy for so long and I am finding it super difficult to re train my brain but in the end I work through these feelings and thoughts. I have been 12 days with out fast food, limited salt, no soda. I do feel that I have more energy. In the sweet department I have had 2 chocolate chip cookies from Paradise Bakery, 1/2 of a small slice of key lime pie and a 73% Cacao chocolate bar from Trader Joe's all of this over the course of 12 days. In the midst of all of this October 10th was 3 month anniversary of quitting smoking. I am proud of myself. I have mild degenerative disc disease in my lower back and I know that my weight contributes to a lot of the pain I am having in my lower back but it has been very painful to walk lately. My doctor gave me a referral to see a Physical Therapist I have an appointment on Monday. I will continue to do Yoga it really helps me both physically and mentally. The weight is slowly coming off but the good thing is I am slowly getting more and more energy. This will sound corny but a little fish told me to Just keep swimming and that's what I'm doing.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Journey week 1

I went to the Doctor yesterday for my 3 month check up and I now weigh 393. I am waiting the results of my blood test to see if I am still in the Pre Diabetic stage. I am hoping I am not. I am eating clean. I am staying away from fast food, junk food, soda, and salt. I keep moving as much as I can. I am going to have Physical therapy done on my back so that I can walk without having pain. Also I am going to see a nutritionist as well. I am going to try this recipe I found on pinterest and its 2 quarts of water, 2 lemons sliced, 1 cucumber, 10 mint leaves and you steep it over night and drink it through out the day. Its a detox drink. I am doing good. I just keep saying to myself you can do this. For me its like beating an addiction, It will be hard but so worth it in the end. I have come along way in the past couple of weeks and I am proud of myself. I will now write in my blog every Saturday. Thank you to all who is in my corner rooting for me. I am very grateful and thankful :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 2 and 3

 My adventure yesterday begin on the treadmill in which I tried to do the Couch to 5k program. I got to the running part and I fell off the treadmill LOL Lesson learned to go slow and not fast. I ate well fruits veggies and an egg plant vegan sandwich. Today (Day 3) I went to Sprouts and it was overwhelming for me and I almost broke down in tears right in the middle of the store but I held it together. I realized again that the old me was gone and the new me was beginning. I did not walk today but I did buy a yoga starter kit and my first class is on Sunday :) I am exciting :) Everything is going okay. I am thinking positively. My inner bad ass is getting stronger and stronger :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The 1st day

 Yesterday was interesting! I had oatmeal for breakfast and had a glass of ice water. For lunch I was tempted to go to a fast food joint like I used to BUT I chose to go check out Trader Joe's for a more healthier approach to lunch. I bought 2 green apples, banana chips, 2 protein bars, and a vegan egg plant sandwich. I did not eat all of this mind you. I had 1 apple and the vegan sandwich for lunch. The vegan sandwich was super tasty, I did not think vegan would be good but it was excellent. When I got home I had a protein bar for a snack and some banana chips. For dinner I had the last of my frozen dinner which was a Micalena's salsbury steak and potatoes and I had a sugar free Popsicle. Of course I drink tons of water throughout the day as well.
The hardest part for me was wanting more food to eat but I was full. So I struggle a bit with that but just like quitting smoking I have to retrain the brain. Also I have to decided to not workout vigorously throughout the week. I will keep walking and keep moving. Once some of the weight comes off then I will re think the workouts. I am parking further away, I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I do not eat fast food (even though its tempting but I don't) I do not drink soda what so ever!! I am going to the Zoo this Saturday with a co worker and I am bringing my dad along. Sunday I will be trying Yoga :) I am looking forward to this weekend. I am very proud of myself! The Journey continues :)