Sunday, November 10, 2013

40th Day

So it's been a few weeks since I written my blog but here it goes. Things of been pretty good for the most part. I still go to yoga twice a week, no fast food, no soda, and eating as healthy as I can. I have had a few bad days but I have recovered and I take each day as it comes. I have started to drink tart cherry juice twice a day and I have started to take Omega 3-6-9 pills twice a day. I am starting to feel a sense of peace and love within myself. This is an incredible journey that I'm on and I look forward to what each day brings. Today is special because I quit smoking exactly 4 months ago. I'm really proud of myself :) I've also decided to cut back on sugar and gluten and within the next three months to completely cut it out of my diet. I'm a work in progress but the progress is good.

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